Sunday 23 June 2013

Strange liquids 1: Distilled water....

A while back we looked at the water coming from deep sea vents. Water that wasn't boiling at three hundred degrees centigrade. And we saw the water in the Antarctic Don Juan pond, that wasn't freezing at minus thirty. But you don't need incredible concentrations of salts, or deep ocean pressures, to break the rules of freezing and boiling.

You just need the water to be very clean.

Clean - as in well distilled - water breaks the rules because freezing and boiling don't 'just happen'. They're dynamic processes, and they need a point, an imperfection, to start from. Deny them that imperfection......

Supercooled is one thing.

Superheated water is another - it has this distressing tendency to explode in your face and scald all your skin off. So I'll hand you over to the professionals:

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